Tag Archives: Timber Wolf Lake


Young Life meets Teen Moms: YoungLives Addition

The first three weeks I served at Timber Wolf Lake approximately 1,500 high school students came to camp to have the best week of their lives and to hear about Jesus. The third week our Young Life camp was shaken up to serve some babies in addition to the teens, in a program called YoungLives. YoungLives gives teen moms ages 12-20 yrs. the opportunity to come to camp and experience the fun, messages, and growth that other teenagers have while giving them a break from parenthood. In essence, the teens get to become teens again while daycare providers come in to take care of their children for them

IMG_4171Just like any other week at Timber Wolf, the campers had the best week of their life, I did my part, and bonded with the campers. Yet this week was by far my favorite one because I had the opportunity to experience something completely new AND adorable babies were everywhere I turned! Although this week had many of its own challenges and adjustments, it turned out to be even more impactful than I ever thought.

As soon as the mothers arrived, it was time to remind them they were teenagers, just like us. They had the chance to experience the fun and excitement that YoungLife camps provide even if they were mothers.  They did all the daily activities that campers in the prior weeks did, and I was surprised at the result. I saw teen mothers sink back into their roles of just teens. It was strange, but the realization hit me that most of these mothers were younger than me. I had been subconsciously holding them to a higher standard than normal campers because they had one or more children of their own. Once that barrier broke from my mind my eyes and heart were open to treat them as such, my peers.

We could talk about the latest music, our celebrity crushes, make-up tricks, and even our favorite memories of high school. It was as simple as that: teens moms are still, at the root, teens and would love to be treated as such. This moment was defining and it taught me how to interact in challenging situations where I felt uncomfortable at first.

The moms themselves bonded and grew together by listening to each other’s stories and sharing some of the most difficult times they’ve every experienced. I was luck enough to be a part of that. I was honored to show them that their lives mattered despite the shame they received from the outside world. I was happy serve them for a week and see the both sides of motherhood and teen-hood converge, and respect them more than words could ever describe.

“Tying You Closer Than Most”

It’s the People You Meet

Memories fade, gifts wither, and emotions settle in the shuffle of everyday life.  Luckily, every once in a great while certain experiences and people can outlast this natural and monotonous cycle. Somehow, I was able to find this type of connection not just once, but multiple times over the past year in the ever shifting waters of the world. One of the most striking encounters has shone itself at Timber Wolf Lake when I had to say goodbye to my Summer Staff crew that were at my side (literally always there) for every second of the whole month of July.

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These people in the video are not just my Summer Staff co-workers, they are my family. They gave me the gift of more- more laughs, more encouragement, more joy and more memories than I ever thought possible. I was lucky enough to learn a little something from each of them to take back home with me and cannot help but smile when I think back on the crazy conversations and events of the month. The people that I served with made the month exciting, fun, and worth wild. We lifted each other up when we were down-emotional, spiritually, and even physically every once in awhile. We were always there to lend a helping hand for eachother, whether that was lifting something heavy, taking over someones job to give them a break, or to just be a travel buddy so no one was ever alone. In all actuality, it was the people I served with that got me through the assignment and will be there to get me through the hardships of life. No matter where I go they will always be there for me, partially because everyone seemed to be from a different state, but mostly because we love each other.

Although I had time to get to know everyone personally over the last month, I seemed to instantly bond with a few people: Liz (my bunkmate), Christian (my obstacle course buddy), Jenny (my Timber Karts partner), Nick (late night, life talks sidekick) and Heather (my partner in crime). In a complete stroke of fate Heather happened to fly to Timber Wolf Lake all the way from California, to serve along side of me and even better, love along side of me.

IMG_3941At this point Miss California and Miss Michigan collided with enough force to fuse an unbreakable bond. We became our own masters of mischief, adventure, life talks, and the even the local mermaids of the lake. I have never been able to so easily and completely open-up to a person so quickly before, let alone a complete stranger. Sure, she wasn’t the tan blonde chick with beach waved hair and surfer bracelets that I was expecting, I found her to be much much more than any of that. Heather may have been the only one to fully understand my thoughts while also helping me process them. We could talk for hours or sit in silence with ease because something between us just ‘clicked.’ IMG_3991

At the end of camp Heather gave me a matching ankel bracelet to say that she was, “tying me closer than most.” Every day I look down to see that bracelet and I can’t help but chuckle since it is a ever present reminder that I will see my adventure buddy again soon.

“There are places you leave and places that never leave you”

“When you meet someone you never think of how they will impact your life but when you look back, you realized that they changed your life.”

Week #4 Pre-Timber Wolf Lake

At Last, The Time Has Come!

I’m days away from my move up to Lake City to be on summer staff… three to be exact. I absolutely cannot wait!

As for final preparations: Does not being able to sleep count??? I’m nervous for my first day meeting everyone, but I know I will be right at home once my nerves calm down. Does racking my brain, trying to figure out what to pack count? I know I have a packing list, but trying to strategically pack a whole month worth of items is proving to be a puzzle. Does trying to focus on my final exams for my summer classes count? Packing, getting things for college, and visiting all of my friends and family before I leave has taken up a large deal of my concentration, yet I couldn’t think of any way I’d rather spend the time.

Plain and simple, I get to help be a part of something bigger than myself and give back to my community. The high school that I graduated from is currently at Timber Wolf, having the best week of their lives, which has made me even more pumped. Twolf, here I come!!!! (in 3 days of course)

Week #3 Pre- Timber Wolf Lake

I Like Hectic

Throughout the last two semesters I have been running a pretty tight schedule between classes, studying, and organizational involvements. I found that through all of it that I actually enjoy keeping busy, it makes me feel as if I’m doing something important with my time at this stage in my life. Some of the things I do are things to better myself like focusing on my grades, friendships and running. The other things I do like service trips, volunteering and mission work are to help better the world around me one step at a time. As I embark on this journey to Timber Wolf Lake, I will have the opportunity to execute both parts of betterment. I will give a whole month to lend a helping hand where ever the camp coordinators will need me, but I also get to learn how to be a better woman of God.

Its going to be hectic but luckily I’ve learned to love the hectic times because it means that I’m actually making a difference, no matter how big or small. The way I see it, I’ve had two amazing trips to camp when I was in high school and I’d give anything to help give a week like I had to a camper who is a little curious about a relationship with Jesus. The nights will be long, the shifts will be exhausting, and the time away from my family will be hard, yet I couldn’t be more excited to kick off the next big chapter in my life.

Since being home from Central Michigan University the last few weeks, I have been learning how to shift into a completely different schedule. I’m still a full time student at the local community college so that I can graduate early. I’m still spending long nights at a desk chugging along at research papers and math problems. I’m still volunteering my time. I’m still building a stronger relationship with God. Even though a lot of these things are the same, I’m now learning to adjust to doing them in a new way……that is, at home. Its an adjustment to say the least, but my ever changing life is just preparing me to roll with what serving at Timber Wolf will be like.

I’m stoked for this opportunity to turn off the real world for a month and do something that I will absolutely love. There’s not many times in life that I’ll have the opportunity to go away for a month and be able to be focused completely on God. I know that it’s a sad reality, but it’s the truth that many Christians face. Even as I was working with refugee families and the homeless on my mission trip a few months ago, I was still not able to block out the anxiety of class work and responsibilities that were waiting for me when I returned from my trip. I’m determined to make this month different than the last few that have been full of worldly worries. This month will be a wonderfully hectic time between God, campers, summer staffers, and myself without the typical distractions that life brings. How amazing is that!?!?! I cant wait!

Week #2 Pre-Timber Wolf Lake

Its Not All Fun and Games

As I get ready for my summer staff journey at Timber Wolf, I have such high expectations. I’m excited to learn, share, and bond with people from all over the country. I hear amazing stories from past summer staff volunteers, and Young Life leaders that I have encountered in college. Yet, I understand that there are going to be some times where everything isn’t fun and amazing, I’m still going to be put to work! I also know that the purpose of me being at camp is to give campers the best week of their life, and if that means waking up early, putting in long hours in the sun/heat, and having a curfew, I accept that. I’m going to have to preserve through these times to experience the great ones that everyone raves about. Its not always going to be easy, but it will always be worth it. I’m here to serve God and I couldn’t be more excited for this experience.

(It’s the best week of the camper’s lives, and I’m lucky enough to help make that happen through my work on the Timber Karts!)

In order to continue to prepare for this month on summer staff I think I need to work on my conflict avoidance. I know that there is a possibility of working with people I don’t get along with, there will be times where I feel exhausted or overwhelmed, and I’m sure conflict will arise eventually. I have a great ability to hold my tongue and I usually am pretty level headed about seeing both sides of the situation. Unfortunately, I sometimes struggle by avoiding the whole conflict in general because I don’t want to cause any hard feelings. What I mean by that is I tend to bottle things up and then later I’ll be able to think through them to calm down. Once I think through the conflict I am ready to get back at the task or friendship with a good attitude. I believe I need some improvement on talking out problems with the other person instead of just myself because I think a better understanding could be reached if I had the opportunity to hear what the other person has to say. I know that this will be easier for me to do as I become more comfortable around strangers and I find more confidence to confront others. Luckily, throughout college I have had many opportunities to start this self-improvement and I feel as if I can handle conflicting situations much better than I have in the past.

I think the biggest challenge that I will face on summer staff is having patience as the summer staff crew bonds. I know how excited I am to meet everyone that I will be serving with, and I have a feeling that I will be a bit disappointed that I won’t be best-friends with everyone over night. Or, for that matter, even know everyone’s names. It will take time, maybe even the entire month, to build a true connection with each of the workers. Until then, patience is a virtue that I’m going to have to practice!

~Timber Kart Summer Staff,

McKenna Mathis

Week #1 Pre-Timber Wolf Lake

For the next few weeks I will be preparing to work as Timber Wolf Lake, which is a Christain camp for teens. During this time I will be living at the camp and volunteering my time at the ‘Timber-Carts.‘ Over the next few weeks I’ll be posting some questions and answers to help prepare my for this amazing journey! Timber-Wolf-Camp-Header-1

What will be your personal strategy for prayer and spending time in Scripture between now and your assignment?

I connected to the story provided in the week one study about James and his journey. James, who likes to pray while cycling, will no longer have his cycle with him while he serves at camp. I feel as if I may come across the same struggle of finding a new way spend time with the Lord in my time of service. I enjoy cross-country running and during those miles, twists of the trails, and noises of nature I am able to think, reflect, and listen to God. As I make my way to camp this summer I do not know if I will have this reflecting opportunity and even if I do, I will not be able to run miles away from Timber Wolf Lake into seclusion to spend time with God. From now until I leave in a couple of weeks, I am determined to find an alternative way to spend quality time in prayer.

My personal strategy for praying and spending time in Scripture between now and my assignment will to be by having an accountability partner and an accountability plan. Coming home from Central Michigan University for the summer I found that I’m leaving an amazing backbone of my faith. I made friends and relationships with many people and leaders of my church, became very involved in building the community of my church, and even went on a mission trip over spring break. Now that I left, I feel like a piece is missing, and its only been a few days! Since the dynamic of Christian community is changing for the summer, and the way I spend time with God (aka running) will also change in a few weeks, I’m in a bit of a tizzy. For these reasons, I decided to seek out an accountability partner and I was lucky enough to find Callie. She is a senior at CMU, a life group leader at my church and she was thrilled to by my mentor! I have her and her family praying for me as I embark on my way to Timber Wolf, but until then I get to stay in contact with her to answer any questions I have, concerns I need to talk about, and encouragement through the summer. In addition to having an accountability partner, I have also decided to create a bit of a plan to stay strong in Scripture. I have a devotional book (a wonderful gift after my very recent baptism) that I plan to read every morning. This way, I have a bit of quiet time to start my day with God. I also have a scripture-reading guide, provided by my church before I left college, to read each night before I go to sleep. With this plan in place I will be able to start and end my days with God, fill the middles with speaking to Callie, and hopefully squeeze in some running too.

The next few weeks leading up to my departure to Timber Wolf will be full of excitement, apprehension, and challenge. I hope that with these new tactics, I will be able to mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepare myself for my month of service to kids who are trying to find Jesus. I cannot wait to get to camp and start building another Christian community with people from all over the country!